
Car Survey

To determine which car we are going to prototype we made a survey, to compare the cars of the groupmembers. Our group consists 4 members, we placed the following images at the survey, showing each car one by one.
Car 1

Car 2

Car 3
Car 4
 The images were followed by five questions, to examine the quality of the car. The questions were as follow:
  1. Which car looks the fastest?
  2. Which car seems to be the most safe?
  3. Which car has the best looks?
  4. Which car seems to be the most solid/durable?
  5. Which car seems to be the most comfortable?
For each question the questioned had to choose one of the 4 cars. Each time the car had been chosen resulted in one point for that car. The final results were as follow:

                Points               Percent
Car 1       29                     21.32 %
Car 2       28                     20.59 %
Car 3       42                     30.88 %
Car 4       37                     27.21 %

It appears that my car, car 3, has won.

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